This page provides information about technology and related services available in the library.
The second floor of the library houses a computer lab for library users and is available:
Monday - Thursday 2:30 pm - 10 pm
Saturday 10am - 2pm
Sunday 6pm - 10pm
The upstairs lab is contains 20 computing stations. Each station is equipped with a 24" LCD color monitor, wired keyboard, wired mouse, and a desktop, which provides two USB ports and headphone/microphone ports.. Programs available on each computer include the Microsoft Office Suite (Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Word, etc.), Acrobat Reader, Internet browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge), and media players (Windows Media and QuickTime). Basic technical assistance is available at the library reference desk located in the reference area next to the computer lab.
A mini computer lab is located on the 1st floor of the library by the quick print station and contains 5 workstations where students can work on projects or just quickly log on on to print documents. Each workstation is equipped with a 24" LCD color monitor, wired keyboard, wired mouse, and desktop, which provides two USB ports and headphone/microphone ports.. Programs available on each computer include the Microsoft Office Suite (Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Word, etc.), Acrobat Reader, Internet browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE), and media players (Windows Media and QuickTime). Basic technical assistance is available at the circulation desk on the first floor. This lab is available:
Monday - Thursday 7:45 am - 10pm
Friday 7:45 am - 2pm
Saturday 10am - 2 pm
Sunday 6 pm - 10pm
For your convenience, the library has a color quick print station located on the first floor. The color quick print stations accepts print jobs from both computer labs in the library and you can pay with cash or credit card at the print kiosk when printing from the library computer lab.
You can send your print jobs to the library from your laptop or mobile device anywhere, anytime. Simply email your document to lculib20@gmail.com and let the Library Circulation Desk employee know you have arrived and your email address. Payment is due before the job can be released and the Circulation Desk only accepts cash.
Print jobs are directed to quick print station located on the first floor. The cost for print jobs is:
Letter size (8.5x11) .10 per side for black & white prints
.25 per side for color prints
Legal size (8.5x14) .20 per side for black and white prints
.50 per side for color prints
Tabloid (11x17) .50 per side for black and white prints
1.25 per side for color prints
Be sure to use the print preview options in programs and make sure you are selecting the correct printer to avoid printing mistakes. Follow the detailed instructions posted at each workstation in the mini computer lab.
The library quick print station is also a color copier. Prices are:
.25 per side for color prints
.50 per side for color prints
1.25 per side for color prints
The machine accepts cash (quarters, nickels, dimes, ones and fives only), debit/credit cards and mobile pay. If you have a large bill, please see the Circulation Desk for change.
The library quick print station offers free scanning to USB devices. Please see the staff at the circulation desk for assistance with this service.
LC Students can take their online exams at the library. Contact the library to reserve one of our 3 webcams testing stations.
Make a re-occurring reservation to guarantee your spot or check to see if we have anything available when you arrive. Reservations can be made by sending an email to library@lcuniversity.edu
If you have your own laptop and need a private place to take an exam, the library has:
Reservations are required so please make sure the rooms are available when you arrive.
Pleases see Mrs. Gayle in room 112 for additional information.